

The Company has always attached great importance to compliance (complying with law and ethics) in making appropriate decisions and acting on them. Top priority must be given to compliance in all business activities. To promote compliance, the Company has established its Corporate Philosophy as code of conduct for all officers and employees of the Company.

Compliance promotion system

The Company has a robust global compliance structure in place including the Compliance Committee, chaired by the President. This Committee deliberates and decides on various compliance-related matters. Each officer in each department responsible for promoting compliance supervises the activities in respective area of the U.S. subsidiary to ensure that compliance is thoroughly practiced in the U.S. subsidiary.

Compliance education/training

The Company places considerable emphasis on educational activities. The Company is continuously providing all officers and employees with a variety of compliance training program on the topics of insider trading, harassment, business secrets, pharmaceutical affairs, research ethics, etc. in order to spread and raise awareness of compliance.

Compliance/whistleblower hotline

The Company has also established both internal and external hotlines as points of contact whereby our offices accept reports and requests for consultation regarding questionable behavior that infringe upon compliance considerations and other relevant matters. We strictly prohibit retaliation or retribution against anyone who, in good faith, raises a concern about compliance issues or cooperates with the Company investigation into alleged misconduct.

System for managing public research fund

The Company stipulated the code concerning operation and management of public research fund and prevention of research misconduct under the Guidelines for Managing and Auditing Public Research Funds at Research Institutions and the Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research, issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Under such code, the Company operates and manages public research fund appropriately according to the following system:

Chief Administrative Officer: President and CEO
Administrative Director: Director of Administration Division
Compliance Administrator: Director of Research & Development Division

<Contact point for whistleblowers>
Visit the following contact point to lodge an inquiry regarding or submit a report on suspected misconduct in research activity involving public research fund.
While anonymous reports will be accepted, we may request cooperation in specific investigations. Please provide your name and contact information if at all possible. We will not use any personal information provided by you for any purpose other than as specified above.
Contact point for whistleblowers: